18 Hostel Superintendent PTO Jobs Recruitment in TNPSC
TNPSC Recruitment 2023 for 18 Jobs: Application forms are invited by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) only through Online mode of direct Recruitment to the Jobs of Hostel Superintendent Physical Training Officer. Apply online by visiting the TNPSC’s Official Website of http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/. It is mandatory for candidates to register their basic particulars through OTP on payment of Rs.150/- towards registration fee. TNPSC has released this Notification to fill up total 18 Jobs of Hostel Superintendent PTO. TNPSC will conduct a written test (Including Tamil Language Test), oral test followed by interview to select candidates for above Jobs. Candidates must have the knowledge of Tamil language. All details of Tamil Nadu TNPSC Hostel Superintendent Physical Training Officer (PTO) Jobs Recruitment mentioned below.
TNPSC Recruitment 2023 for 18 Hostel Superintendent Physical Training Officer Jobs
Important Dates for Recruitment of TNPSC Hostel Superintendent PTO Jobs:
1. TNPSC PTO online form active from: 18-10-2023.
2. TNPSC Online registration last date: 16-11-2023.
3. Closing date to pay TNPSC fee : 16-11-2023
4. Tentative TNPSC Written Exam date is 21-01-2024.
Hostel Superintendent PTO Available Vacancies in TNPSC Recruitment:
As per Recruitment of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC), total Available Vacancies are 18.
1. GT (G): 02 Jobs
2. GT (G) (PSTM): 01 Job
3. GT (W): 02 Jobs
4. GT (W) (PSTM): 00 Job
5. GT (Ex-Ser): 00 Job
6. GT (Blind): 00 Job
7. BC (G): 03 Jobs
8. BC (W): 01 Job
9. BC (W PSTM): 01 Job
10. BC (M): 0 Job
11. BC (M) (W): 00 Job
12. M BC /DC (G): 01 Job
13. M BC/DC(G)(PSTM): 01 Job
14. M BC / DC (W): 01 Job
15. SC (G): 01 Job
16. SC(G)(PSTM): 0 Job
17. SC (W): 01 Job
18. SC(EX): 01 Job
19. SC (PSTM): 01 job
Age Limit for TNPSC Hostel Superintendent PTO Jobs:
Lower age limit for all category candidates is 18 years and upper age limit is 35 years as on the date of 01st July, 2023. There is a relaxation in age limit as per TNPSC rules and regulations.
Qualification for TNPSC Physical Training Officer Jobs Recruitment 2023:
Educational Qualification for candidates must be diploma in Physical Education or should possess teachers certificate in Physical Education (Higher grade) and should have been declared eligible for admission in college course of studey.
Pay Scale for TNPSC Hostel Superintendent PTO Jobs:
Candidates who will be selected for TNPSC Hostel Superintendent Physical Training Officer Jobs will get monthly salary of Rs.35400/- to Rs.130400/- per month
TNPSC Physical Training Officer Jobs Selection Process:
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) will conduct a written test, oral test followed by interview to select candidates for above Jobs. Candidates must have the knowledge of Tamil language. Tentative TNPSC Written Exam date is 21-01-2024.
TNPSC Physical Training Officer Jobs Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
1. TNPSC Written test consists of paper 1, paper 2. Paper 1 has 200 questions on Physical Education (diploma standard).
Paper 2 has two parts.
Part A-Tamil Language Test-100 Questions/150 Marks
Part B-100 questions/150 Marks on general studies (HSC standard).
Time duration for paper 1 is 3 hours and for paper 2 is 3 hours.
Minimum qualifying marks for both papers should be 180 marks.
2. Centre for Written test is Madurai, Chennai and Coimbatore.
3. Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be set in Tamil and English languages.
4. Candidates will be required to attend for Written test, oral test, certificate verification rounds at their own expenses.
Fee for TNPSC Hostel Superintendent Jobs Recruitment 2023:
One time registration fee is Rs.150/- and Rs.100/- is for written test fee. Closing date to pay fee through bank is 16-11-2023.
How to Apply for TNPSC Hostel Superintendent PTO Jobs:
Interested candidates may apply for above Vacancies by visiting TNPSC’s Official Website of http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/ from 18-11-2023 to 16-11-2023.
TNPSC Recruitment 2023 for 18 Physical Training Officer Jobs
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