AP State Level Police Recruitment Board Police Constable Recruitment Exam Syllabus-Physical Tests Schedule
APSLPRB Police Constable Exam Syllabus: Government of Andhra Pradesh, State Level Police Recruitment Board has been released online application notification for the recruitment of Civil Constable and APSP Constable 6100 available vacancies. Selection for this recruitment of AP Police Constable will be held based on Preliminary Examination, Physical Test and Mains Examination. For prelims and mains examination syllabus will be same but difficulty level will be changed and standard of syllabus is intermediate level.
AP Police Constable PET, PST Hall Ticket Link
You can download hall ticket using Registration number, mobile number and date of birth.
Physical Tests Schedule is 30 December 2024 to 01 February 2025
Contact Numbers: 9441450639, 9100203323
Physical Tests will be conducted in old District Head quarters
Physical Tests Schedule, Hall Ticket, Exam Pattern and Syllabus for APSLPRB Constable Recruitment 2024:
Recruitment of AP Police Constable will be held based on three stages.
1. Prelims Examination
This is mandatory to all candidates. Prelims test will be conducted for initial screening of candidates to select for the physical test and further tests.
2. Physical Tests and Physical Standards Details:
On the same day both tests will be conducted. Complete details are given below. Those who are qualified in Prelims Examination they are only eligible for the Physical tests. Those who are unable to clear the physical tests they immediately disqualified and not allowed for the further tests.
3. Mains Examination:
The candidate who clears the successfully physical tests they are only eligible for the mains examination.
Complete details of physical standards and physical test details are given below.
Important Dates for AP Police Constable Physical Tests 2024:
- Mains Exam Date: Feb/March-2025 (10:00 AM to 01:00 PM ).
- Admit Card/Hall Ticket downloadable for PET/PST: 18 December to 29 December 2024
- Physical Tests Dates: 30-12-2024 to 01-02-2025
APSLPRB Police Constable Selection Process:
AP Police Constable Selection will be held through
1. Prelims Exam
2. Physical Tests
3. Mains Exam
-->Prelims Examination will be conducted for 200 marks with 3 hours duration. Objective type multiple choice written test will be conducted.
-->For Mains Examination also written test will be conducted APSLPRB Police Constable recruitment for 200 marks.
-->For AR/APSP Constable Main Written test will be conducted for 100 marks only and for another 100 marks given to physical tests.
1. 100 Meters Running-30 Marks
2. Long Jump-30 Marks
3. 1600 Meters Running-40 Marks
Mains and Prelims Exam Syllabus for APSLPRB Police Civil/AR/Warder Constable Recruitment 2024:
Topics to be covered in exam syllabus is Intermediate standard.
1. English
2. Arithmetic
3. Mental Ability/ Test of Reasoning
4. General Science
5. Indian culture, History of India, Indian National Movement.
6. Polity and Economy, Indian Geography.
7. Current events of Sports, national and international importance
Question paper will be in Telugu/Urdu/English.
Physical Test and Physical Standard Details for AP Police Constable AR/APSP/Warder/Civil Recruitment 2024:
Physical Standard Details for Civil and APSP Constable:
Male Height -167.6 Cms, Chest-86.3 Cms (After expansion)81.3+5 cms
Female height-152.5 Cms, Weight-40 Kgs
Physical Standard Details for Jail Warder Constable:
Men Height -164 Cms, Chest-83 Cms (After expansion)78+5 cms
Female height-153 Cms, Weight-45 Kgs
For the aboriginal tribes agency areas of Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, East and West Godavari Districts
For Civil and AR Constable
Male Height -160 Cms, Chest-80 Cms
Female height-150 Cms, Weight-38 Kgs
For Jail/Prison Warder Constable
Male Height -164 Cms, Chest-87 Cms
Female height-153 Cms, Weight-45.5 Kgs
Physical Test Details for AP Police Constable Recruitment:
Police Male Civil, APSP Constable Physical Tests Details:
100 Mtrs Running
15 seconds
Long Jump
3.80 Meters
1600 Mtrs Running
8 Minutes
Police Civil, APSP Constable Ex Serviceman Physical Tests Details:
100 Mtrs Running
16.5 seconds
Long Jump
3.65 Meters
1600 Mtrs Running
9.30 Minutes
Police Female Civil Constable Physical Tests Details:
100 Mtrs Running
18 Seconds
Long Jump
2.75 Meters
1600 Mtrs Running
10.30 Minutes
For Civil and Warder posts the candidates must have qualified 1600 meters running and 100 meters or Long Jump.
AP Police Constable Physical Events Marks only for APSP Constable Posts
For AR/APSP Constable all the events to be cleared.
Merit in Physical Test and Mains test will be considered for final selection after clearing the medical tests for APSP Constable jobs
Download Notification here
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