Written Exam Pattern and Syllabus, Typing Tests Details for Maharashtra District Court recruitment of Stenographer, junior Clerk, Hamal/Peon Jobs
Maharashtra District Court Jobs Exam Pattern and Syllabus:Maharashtra Bombay High Court released an online notification for the recruitment of 8921 Junior Clerk, Peon/Hamal, Stenographer jobs. Candidates selection will be through written exam/Screening test, Typing tests and interview.
Candidates must have pass SSC/7th class for applying these vacancies. Here we are providing screening test details, Typing test related information and other details of Maharashtra District Court recruitment 2023. For Maharashtra District Courts recruitment Stenographer jobs screening test will be not be conducted. Screening test will be conducted only for Junior clerk and Peon/Hamal jobs. Candidates will be short listed for Typing test and skill tests based on their marks in written exam or screening test. For Stenographer jobs directly Stenography test or typing test will be conducted. More details regarding this Maharashtra District Court Recruitment of Stenographer, Peon/Hamal and Junior Clerk jobs Exam Pattern and Syllabus, Typing Test, Stenography Test details are given below.
Maharashtra District Court screening test (written exam), typing test, shorthand test details for Junior Clerk, Stenographer, Hamal, Peon Jobs
Available Vacancies in District Court Recruitments of BHC Maharashtra:
There are total 8921 posts in this Maharashtra District Courts recruitment 2023
1. Stenographer-1013 Posts
2. Junior Clerk-4738 Posts
3. Peon/Sipahi/ Hamal-3170 Posts
Qualifications for Maharashtra District Court Recruitment of Stenographer, Peon, Hamal, Junior Clerk Jobs:
For Stenographer Jobs-SSC with I.T.I. of Shorthand speed of 100 w.p.m. and minimum English typing speed of 40 w.p.m. and Marathi Typing with speed of 30 w.p.m. and Marathi Shorthand speed of 80 w.p.m
Computer Knowledge Certificate is also required.
For Junior Clerk Jobs-SSC with I.T.I. for English Typing with speed of 40 w.p.m. and Marathi Typing with speed of 30 w.p.m.
Compute Knowledge Certificate also required
For Peon/Hamal Jobs-7th pass qualification is required.
Age limits for Maharashtra District Court Peon, Stenographer Recruitment 2023:
For General-18-38 years,
For reserved 18-43 years
For PHC-18-45 years.
Selection Process for Maharashtra District Court Stenographer Jobs:
For stenographer jobs there is no screening test. Only typing test/Stenography test and interview will be conducted.
Stenograph Test/Typing Test:
For the post of Stenographer, the candidate shall have to appear in the Speed Test of 20 marks each in shorthand in English and local language. Particulars of the said Test are as below
Sr. No. | Language | Duration of dictation | Speed of dictation | Total words | Transcription time |
1 | English | 6 minutes | 100 wpm | 600 | 40 minutes |
2 | Local | 8 minutes | 80 wpm | 640 | 45 minutes |
After securing cut off marks in the Shorthand Test, the candidate shall have to appear in Typing Test of local language and English on Computer each carrying 20 marks as well as interview carrying 20 marks.
Selection Process for Maharashtra District Court Junior Clerk Jobs:
For Junior Clerk jobs Screening test, typing test and interview will be conducted.
Written Exam Pattern and Syllabus Topics:
Written exam will be conducted for 40 marks. Total 20 questions will be given.
Stenograph Test/Typing Test:
The local language typing test carrying 20 marks shall comprise of 300 words to be typed by the candidates within 10 minutes (30 wpm) on Computers.
The English typing test on Computer carrying 20 marks shall comprise of 400 words to be typed by the candidates within 10 minutes (40 wpm).
Selection Process for Maharashtra District Court Peon/ Hamal Jobs:
For Peon, Hamal jobs write exam will be held for 30 marks. Total 15 questions will be given.
Written Syllabus Exam Topics for Junior Clerk, Peon/Hamal Jobs:
Screening test will be conducted for testing candidates General Knowledge including knowledge of History, Civics, Science, Geography, Sports, Literature, Grammar and current events.
For Junior Clerk jobs Computer knowledge related questions also included.
Important Dates:
Staring date of online application is 04-12-2023
Last date for applying online is 18-12-2023
Check complete Notification details here
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