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NHM CMHO Balod District Recruitment of Lab Technician, Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, ANM, Counselor, DEO 98 Govt Jobs

    NHM CMHO Balod Vacancy Recruitment of Lab Technician, Staff Nurse, ANM, Counselor, DEO, Medical Officer Govt Jobs Walk in Interview

    NHM CMHO Balod District Paramedical Staff Jobs: Chief Medical and Health Office Balod under National health mission for the available paramedical staff in various programs of NHM, RBSK, and ICTC.  There are total 98 vacancies in this NHM Balod Recruitment 2021. Available posts are District Consultant, Medical Officer, Dental Assistant, ANM, Pharmacist, Staff Nurse, Lab Technician, ANM, DEO, PADA, Counselor and Attendant jobs. Eligible and interested candidates may attend the walk in interview as per given dates along with all original documents. Candidates will be selected for this NHM CMHO Balod district ANM, Staff Nurse jobs is based on their educational qualifications merit, work experience and skill test/written test/interview. Complete information about this NHM of the Chief Medical & Health Officer recruitment of Balod district age limits, selection process, pay scale and walk in interview dates are given below.

    NHM Government Jobs in Balod District CMHO Recruitment Notification for ANM, Data Entry Operator, Medical Officer, Staff Nurse Vacancy

    Important Dates for CMHO Balod District ANM Jobs:

    Last date to submission of application form is 17-03-2021

    Available Staff Nursevacancies in NHM CMHO Balod District Recruitment 2021:

    There are total 98 vacancies in this National Health Mission CMHO Balod district Recruitment 2021.

    Community Nurse-01
    Medical officer (RBSK male)-02
    Pharmacist (RBSK)-01
    Psychiatric Nurse-01
    Programme Associate-01
    OT Technician-02
    Physiotherapist/ Occupational Therepist-01
    RMNCH Counselor-02
    Dental Assistant-03
    Psychologist – Clinical-01
    Social Worker-01
    Audiometric Assistant-01
    Instructor For Hearing impaired children-01
    District Program Coordinator-01
    Lab Technician(RBSK)-04
    Junior Secretarial Assistant (NHM)-03
    Laboratory Technician (NHM)-02
    VBD Technical Supervisor-01
    Staff Nurse-34
    ANM (HWC)-29
    Aaya Bai-01
    Blood bank Counselor-01
    Blood Bank Lab Technician-01

    NHM CMHO Balod District Recruitment of Lab Technician, Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, ANM, Counselor, DEO 30 Govt Jobs

    Age limits for NHM Balod ANM Vacancy in CMHO Recruitment:

    As on 01-01-2021 upper age limit for all the posts is 70 years.

    Selection Process for NHM CMHO Balod ANM Recruitment notification 2021:

    Candidates will be selected based on their marks in educational qualifications, previous working experience and interview or written test or skill test wherever required.
    1. For Merit-70%
    2. For Experience-10%
    3. For Skills/interview/Test-20%

    Application fee for NHM Balod District ANM, Staff Nurse vacancies:

    For the posts which salary is more than Rs.25000/- application fee for general is Rs.400/- and for OBC, Female Rs.300 and for SC/ST Rs. 200/-.

    For all other posts application fee is Rs.300/- for general and Rs.200 for OBC, Female candidates and for SC/ST Rs.200/-

    How to Apply for NHM CMHO Balod ANM, Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment 2021:

    Eligible candidates download the application form from the official website of Balod District. Last date to submission of application form along with all required documents is 17-03-2021.

    Candidates must have bring the original documents of all educational qualifications, experience certificates, and 3 passport size photos and one set of Xerox copies of all documents, date of birth certificate, residence certificate, caste certificate, ID and address proof and other related documents.

    Attend the interview as per given dates in notification.

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