Angul District Junior Clerk/Copyist, Junior Typist, Stenographer Court Jobs Recruitment Exam Notification 2021
Angul District Court Recruitment Exam 2021:Application forms in a prescribed format are invited by Office of The District Judge, Angul District Court from the interested aspirants for filling up the posts of Junior Typists, Junior Clerk / Copyists, and Stenographer Grade 3. Total available posts are 37. The no. of posts in different category and cadre may increase or decrease. Application form along with attested copies of certificates and documents duly signed by applicants will reach the given address by the date of 27-08-2021 5.00 P.M. only. Exam Pattern and Syllabus, age limits, salary and other related information about this Angul District Court recruitment is updated below.
Available Junior Clerk, Typist, Stenographer Vacancies in Angul District Court Recruitment 2021
Total posts are 37 vacancies available in Angul District Court Recruitment 2019.
1. Junior Clerk/Copyist : 23 Posts
UR-13, SC-4, ST-8, SEBC-1
2. Junior Typist : 06 Posts (UR-2, SC-1, ST-2, SEBC-1)
3. Stenographer Grade 3: 08 Posts (UR-2, SC-1, ST-3, SEBC-01)
Pay Scale for District Court Jobs of Angul :
Pay scale is Rs.5200/- to Rs.20,200/- per month with Grade Pay is Rs.1900/- for Junior Clerk/Copyist posts;
Rs.5200/- to Rs.20200/- per month with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/- for Junior Typist posts;
Rs.5200/- to Rs.20,200/- per month with Grade Pay of Rs.2400/- for Stenographer posts respectively with usual DA and other allowances.
Qualification for Junior Clerk/Copyist, Typist, Stenographer Jobs Recruitment in Angul District :
Applicants should have passed minimum +2 exam of Orissa Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent exam. Applicants should have passed minimum diploma in the discipline of Computer Applications.
Age Limits for Angul District Court Jobs :
Applicants should be over 18 years as on 30th September, 2019 and below 32 years of age. The upper age limit for reserved categories will be relaxed under relevant acts, instructions issued by government.
Selection Process for Junior Clerk/Copyist, Typist, Stenographer Jobs in Angul District Court :
Selection will be through following methods.
1. Competitive written exam
2. Computer test
3. Viva voce.
Pattern of Exam for Junior Clerk, Copyist Posts :
Paper | Subject | Marks | Duration of test |
Part-1 | English | 100 | 2 Hours |
Arithmetic | 100 | 1 Hours |
General Knowledge | 100 | 1 Hours |
Part-11 | Computer Science (Practical) | 100 | |
Viva Voce | 45 |
Syllabus for Angul District Court Jobs Recruitment 2021:
1. English : Essay writing (30 marks), letter of application in English (20 marks), Odiya passage (15 marks), English passage (15 marks), English passage summary (20 marks).
2. Arithmetic : Fraction and decimals, H.C.F & L.C.M., simple & compound practice, percentages, profits & loss, mixtures, Average, partnership, Rate & Taxes, problems on time & work, Square & Cubic measures, time & distance, Insurance.
3. General Knowledge : Knowledge of current events.
4. Computer Science (Practical): Formatting of paragraphs, insertion of table, skill to print and save, file transfer, website searching/ browsing, downloading e-mail, use of pen drive and other software etc and programmes of accounting.
5. Viva Voce test : Candidate’s alertness, general outlook & potential qualities.
Scheme of Exam for Typist, Stenographer Posts :
| Subject | Marks | Duration of test |
Part-I | English (Written, qualifying in nature) | 100 | 2 Hours |
Type Test for Typist | 50 | 10 Minutes |
Shorthand & Type Test for Stenographer | 50 | 15 Minutes |
Part-11 | Computer Science (Practical) | 100 | |
Viva Voce Test | 35 | – |
Application Fee:
The applicants are required to deposit application fees of One Hundred Rupees (Rs.100/-) only in the form of Treasury Challan.
How to Apply for Angul District Court Recruitment of Typist, Junior Clerk cum Copyist jobs:
Application form along with attested copies of certificates and documents duly signed by applicants will reach to below address.
Address :
Office of the District Judge,
Important Dates for Clerk cum Copyist jobs of Angul District :
Last date is 27-08-2021 up to 5.00 P.M. only.
Important Links :
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