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SSC CHSL 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 Typing Test LDC, DEO, Postal/Sorting Assistant Jobs Recruitment

    SSC 10+2 Level CHSL Exam Syllabus and Pattern for Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants, LDC, DEO, Clerks Junior Secretarial Assistant Recruitment Notification 2022

    SSC CHSL 2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Staff Selection Commission invited online applications to recruit the 2359 available vacancies in all over India government offices and organizations through the Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Exam 2022. Available posts are Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretarial Marketing Asst and Data Entry Operator. Selection for these vacancies will be held in three different stages of Tier 1 Online Written Test, Tier 2 Descriptive Type Test and Typing Test or Skill Test. SSC CHSL Tier 1 Written Exam will be conducted in May 2022. Tier 2 Descriptive test will be conducted in Sept 2022. Exam Pattern and Syllabus for SSC CHSL Exam 2022 recruitment of LDC, DEO, Junior Secretarial Assistant and Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant complete information is given below.

    SSC CHSL 10+2 Level Exam Pattern and Syllabus for LDC, Court Clerk, DEO and Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant Government Jobs

    SSC CHSL 10+2 Level Jobs Selection Process:

    Selection for this Staff Selection Commission vacancies recruitment will be conducted in 3 tier stage.
    Tier 1- Written Test (Computer Based Online Test & Objective Type): May 2022
    Tier 2- Descriptive Type Written Test
    Tier 3- Skill Test or Typing Test
    SSC CHSL 2019 Exam Pattern and Syllabus Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 Typing Test LDC, DEO, Postal Sorting Assistant Jobs

    SSC CHSL Tier 1 Written Exam Pattern:

    Tier 1 Online written exam will be conducted for 200 marks and contains 100 questions with the time duration of 60 Minutes. Each question Carries 2 Marks. There is 0.50 Negative mark for each wrong answer.
    No Of Questions
    General Intelligence
    English Language(Basic Knowledge)
    Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skills)
    General Awareness

     SSC CHSL Tier 1 Computer Based Online Written Examination Syllabus:

    I. SSC CHSL Tier 1 Written Exam Syllabus for General Intelligence:

    For General Intelligence questions will be ask in both the forms of verbal and non-verbal type. Tier 1 test will consists of the questions

    1. Symbolic operations
    2. Semantic Analogy
    3.  Symbolic/Number Analogy
    4.  Figural Analogy
    5. Trends
    6. Semantic Classification
    7. Space Orientation
    8.  Venn Diagrams
    9. Drawing inferences
    10. Symbolic/Number Classification
    11. Figural Classification
    12. Semantic Series
    13. Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding
    14. Number Series
    15. Figural Pattern – folding and completion
    16. Figural Series
    17. Embedded figures
    18. Critical Thinking
    19. Emotional Intelligence
    20. Problem Solving
    21. Word Building
    22. Coding and de- coding
    23. Social Intelligence and Numerical operations.

    II. English Language Syllabus for SSC CHSL Tier 1 Written Test:

    1. Spot the Error
    2. Synonyms/Homonyms
    3. Fill in the Blanks
    4.  Antonyms
    5. Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words
    6. One word substitution
    7. Idioms & Phrases
    8.  Improvement of Sentences Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration,
    9.  Active/Passive Voice of Verbs
    10. Shuffling of Sentence parts
    11. Cloze Passage
    12. Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
    13. Comprehension Passage.

    III Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for SSC CHSL Tier 1 Written Exam:

    1. Number Systems:
                    A. Decimal and Fractions
                    B. Computation of Whole Number
                    C. Relationship between numbers
    2. Fundamental arithmetical operations:
                    A. Percentages,
                    B. Square roots,
                    C. Ratio and Proportion
                    D. Averages
                    E. Profit and Loss
                    F. Discount
                    G. Interest (Simple and Compound)
                    H. Partnership Business
                    I. Time and distance
                    J.  Mixture and Allegation
                    K. Time and work.
    3. Algebra: Surds, Equations, Linear Equations
    4. Geometry: Elementary geometric figures, Triangle, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and tangents.
    5. Mensuration:
                    Quadrilaterals, Triangle, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Hemispheres,  Sphere, Right Circular Cylinder, Right Circular Cone, Circle, Right Prism, Regular Polygons
    6. Trigonometry: Trigonometry, Complementary angles, Trigonometric ratios, Height and distances
    7. Statistical Charts: Use of Tables and Graphs: Frequency polygon, Pie-chart, Histogram,  Bar- diagram

    IV. General Awareness Syllabus for SSC CHSL Exam Tier 1:

    Questions will be asked from the daily changes in society, environment, politics, sports, awards, history, Indian Constitution, Budget, Economics, Culture, Geography, Science, research, countries and capitals, recently formed states etc..

    SSC CHSL Exam Tier-II Descriptive Paper Exam Pattern and Syllabus:

    CHSL Tier 2 Exam will be in descriptive mode of Pen and Paper for 100 marks with one hour duration.
    This paper for knowing the candidates writing skills and it is considered for preparing Merit List.
    1. Essay Writing with 200-250 words
    2. Application or Letter writing with 150-200 words

    Tier II qualifications marks is 33. Candidate have to write the exam in Either Hindi or English Language only.

    SSC CHSL Tier-3 Skill Test or Typing Test Pattern:

    Tier 3 Skill test or Typing test only for qualification purpose only. Tier 3 test marks will not be considered for preparing merit list but the candidate must have pass the typing or skill test.

    SSC CHSL Tier 3 Skill Test Pattern for Data Entry Operator:

    Skill test will be conducted on computer and 15 minutes time will be given for typing the printed matter in English with Data Entry Speed of 8000 Key Depressions Per hour on computer.

    SSC CHSL Tier 3 Typing Test Pattern for Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Court Clerk, Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistants:

    Candidates can attend the typing test Either in English or Hindi
    Typing speed in English is 35 wpm (10500 key depressions per hour) and in Hindi 30 words per minute (9000 key depressions per hour).
    Duration of typing test is 10 minutes only. Candidates have to type the given text message within 10 minutes only with respective wpm.
    This is all about SSC CHSL Exam Pattern and Syllabus for LDC, DEO, Court Clerk and Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant Jobs recruitment 2022.

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