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East Central Railway Hajipur RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment 246 Govt Jobs

    ECR Male/Female Constable Jobs in Railway Protection Force and Railway Protection Special Force

    East Central Railway RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment-2016: East Central Railway, Hajipur invited applications from the male and female candidates to recruit the Constables in Railway Protection Force and Railway Protection Special Force under the various instruments of East Railway Departments. There are total 246 posts available. Eligible RPF/RPSF candidates may apply through

    offline mode only. Last date to reach the applications to East Central Railway Hajipur is 11-04-2016. Those who are applying offline they can download the applications forms from the official website of For more details regarding this RPF/RPSF Recruitment of Constable age limits, exam syllabus, recruitment process etc details are given below.

     East Central Railway RPF/RPSF Constable Jobs:

    The RPF/RPSF constable recruitment will be held in two stages. First stage is a common written test will be conducted and second stage is for the candidates who are qualified the written test. Stage two consists of Physical efficiency test and Physical measurements test. Additional bonus marks allotted to the NCC and sports persons.

    Examination Pattern for ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment 2016:

    The written test will be OMR based objective type consist of 60 multiple choice questions. Each question will carries one mark. Exam duration will be in 45 minutes. There is a 1/3 negative marking for each wrong answer.
    The question paper is based on 10th/Matriculation standards.
    There are 3 sections available those are
    General Awareness-20 Marks
    Arithmetic-20 Marks
    General Intelligence and Reasoning-20 Marks
    Syllabus is almost same for the all RRB Exams but the difficulty level will be reduced for ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment.

    Available vacancies in ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment 2016:

    There are total 246 vacancies available.
    Complete details are given below.

    East Central Railway Hajipur RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment 246 Govt Jobs Apply Online Last Date 11-04-2016Railway Protection Force constable Recruitment-2016:

    There are total 246 vacancies available in RPF/RPSF. 25 posts are allotted for the candidates of women candidates.

    General-137 posts
    OBC-56 posts
    SC-29 posts
    ST-24 posts

    Important Dates for ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment Notification 2016:

    Offline application starting date is 12-03-2016
    Offline application Last date to reach ECR is 11-04-2016

    Physical Efficiency test for RPF/RPSF Male/Female Constable Jobs in Railway Protection Force:

    800 meters running has to clear in 03 min 40 sec in a single chance.
    Long Jump 09 feet has to clear in two attempts.
    High Jump 03 feet has to clear in two attempts.

    Trade Test for RPF/RPSF constable Recruitment of East Central Railway:

    Trade test will be conducted for the 40 marks. Qualification marks for OBC and General candidates are 16 marks and 14 marks for SC/ST candidates.

    Age Limits for ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment-2016:

    As on 01-07-2016 the candidate upper age limit is 25 years and 18 years of lower age limit.
    For SC/ST candidate’s age limit is 5 years. For OBC candidate’s age limit is 3 years.
    For complete details see official notification of ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment.

    Required Qualifications for RPF RPF/RPSF Constable recruitment:

    The candidate must have qualified the SSC or Matriculation or 10th from any state or Central Board.

    Qualifications for Personal Measurement Test:

    àFor RPF RPF/RPSF Female constable recruitment General and OBC candidates must have 157  cms height and SC/ST candidates must have 152 cms height.
    àFor RPF RPF/RPSF Male constable recruitment General and OBC candidates must have 165 cms height and SC/ST candidates must have 160 cms height.
    For male chest 80 cms for UR/OBC and for SC/ST/Others 76.2 cms. For all 5cms expansion is mandatory.
    For Garhwalis, Marathas, Gorkhas, Kumaones and Dogras other category candidates which are specified by Government 163 cms height for male and 155 cms for female.

    ECR RPF and RPSF RPF/RPSF Constable Pay scale:  

    Pay Scale of ECR RPF recruitment is Rs.5200-20200 with the Grade Pay of Rs.2000/-

    Selection Criteria for RPF and RPSF Constable Recruitment-2016:

    The selection process for the RPF/RPSF constable recruitment is having a written test, Trade test Physical efficiency test, Personal Measurement test and Medical Examination. The candidate who is qualified the written test they are only eligible to attend the other tests.

    Examination Fee for East Central Railway Constable Jobs:

    An application fee of Rs. 50/- will be collected in the form of DD or crossed Indian Postal Order payable in favour of Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, East Central Railway, Hajipur. There is no exam fee for SC/ST/Ex-servicemen and Female candidates.   

    How to apply for ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment 2016:

    The candidates have to login to the official website of ECR @http: // and download the application form for his advertisement and take a print on A-4 size bond paper and fill the all details and sent to the IG-Chief Security Commissioner, East Central Railway, Hajipur, Pin Code- 844101, Bihar. On leaf of application mention the “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE (BAND) IN RPF INCLUDING RPSF”.
    Please share this ECR RPF/RPSF Constable Recruitment 2016 notification with your friends through social circles of yours and help them to achieve a good government job.

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