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Arunachal Pradesh Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur ARO Jorhat Assam Soldiers Recruitment Notification 2020

    Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP ARO Jorhat Assam Soldiers Recruitment 2020: Apply online

    ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Recruitment 2020: Army Head Quarters of Jorhat, Assam released an official notification regarding upcoming Army Recruitment Rally for the regional candidates of Arunachal Pradesh. Eligible candidates from all the over the districts of Arunachal Pradesh are invited to contend for the post of Soldiers under the cadres namely General Duty, Technical, Nursing Assistant, Tradesman and Clerk. Interested candidates
    can attend the Recruitment Rally as per the schedule provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria by all means in advance. Army Recruitment Rally is scheduled to take place from 03-03-2020 to 07-03-2020 at Jairampur in Arunachal Pradesh. Candidates intend to participate in the rally must submit the online application on or before 16-02-2020. Selection of Candidates will be on the basis of Physical Efficiency Test, Medical Examination and Written test as or when scheduled. Complete details regarding age limit, essential qualifications, exam pattern & syllabus and selection procedure for ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Recruitment is mentioned below:

    Government Jobs in ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Recruitment 2020

    Important Dates

    Name of the Organization:
    Post Name:
    Soldier ( General Duty, Technical, Nursing Assistant/Nursing Assistant Veterinary, Tradesman and Clerk/Storekeeper)
    Starting Date of Online Application:
    Closing Date of Online Application:
    Army Recruitment Rally:
    03-03-2020 to 07-03-2020
    Army Recruitment Rally Venue:
    Jairampur, Arunachal Pradesh
    Organization Website:
    Arunachal Pradesh Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur ARO Jorhat Assam Soldiers Recruitment Notification 2020

    Admit Card Release Date: 17 Feb 2020 to 02 Mar 2020. 

    Availability of vacancies in ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Recruitment 2020

    There are total 5 cadres under which soldiers as per their qualification can be recruited, listed below:
    Post Name
    Soldier General Duty
    Soldier Technical
    Soldier Store Keeper/Inventory Management
    Soldier Tradesman
    Soldier Nursing Assistant/ Nursing Assistant Veterinary

    Age limits for ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Posts

    Candidates applying for Soldier Jobs under General Duty must not exceed the upper age of 21 years while applicants applying for rest of the cadres must lie between 17 ½ years and 23 years as on 01-10-2020.

    Educational Qualifications for ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Recruitment  

    Candidates seeking jobs under Soldier cadre must possess following qualifications:
    Soldier General Duty: Passed 10th class with at least 55 % marks as aggregate.
    Soldier Technical: Passed 12th class with Science Stream (Physics, Chemistry & Maths), having secured 50% marks as aggregate.
    Soldier Store Keeper/Technical: Passed 12th class in any stream (Science, Commerce, Arts) with 50% marks in each subject.
    Soldier Tradesman: Passed 10th class/ITI Diploma
    Soldier Nursing Assistant Veterinary: Passed 12th class with Science stream (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)

    Pay Scale

    Selected candidates will be appointed on a proposed salary of Rs. 20,200/-

    Selection Process for ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Posts

    Applicants who have successfully applied for Soldier Posts under desired cadre as per their qualification will be assessed on the basis of following parameters:
    1.            Physical Standards:
    Post Name
    Soldier General duty
    160 cm
    48 Kg
    Soldier Technical
    48 Kg
    Soldier Nursing Assistant
    48 Kg
    Soldier Tradesman
    160 cm
    48 Kg
    Soldier (Clerk/Storekeeper/Inventory Management)
    48 Kg
       2.       Physical Fitness Test: Candidates will be subjected to PFT, activities included as follows:
           i) Running Test: 1.6 Km within 5mins 30secs
          ii) Pull ups: Between 6 to 10
          iii) 9 Feet Ditch: Qualifying
          iv) Zig-Zag Balance: Qualifying
         3.       Medical Examination
    Candidates qualifying the Physical Fitness Test will be put through a brief Medical Examination.
         4.       Written Test (Common Entrance Exam)
    Written Test will be common entrance test for all cadres based on syllabus as per the educational standards prescribed for the post.

    How to Apply online for ARO Jorhat Assam Army Recruitment Rally Jairampur AP Soldiers Recruitment 2020

    Candidates interested to Serve Indian Army as Soldiers must fill the online application form through the official website, registration process of which has commenced from 04-01-2020 to 16-02-2020.

    See the official notification

    Apply Online here 

    Candidates interested to participate in the Army Recruitment Rally at Jairampur, Arunachal Pradesh for Soldiers Post can refer the official notification.

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